LemonEdge Releases an Alternative Asset Solution With an Open Challenge to the Market Leaders

The changes impacting the financial services industry, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, requires a need for greater agility, more transparent data management and greater capabilities for improved decision making. LemonEdge believe the legacy providers are not pulling their weight.
LemonEdge is the first financial services development platform for the complex back and middle-office technologies. LemonEdge provides the best of both software approaches - the flexibility of a development platform and performance of a market-leading off-the-shelf solution.
LemonEdge is launching a new Alternative Asset Management Solution with a challenge for anyone sitting on legacy providers.
LemonEdge will go head to head with any provider, get you operational in 90 days and if you don’t see an immediate benefit, you can keep LemonEdge free for 6 months.*.

Our 20 years of building software for the Alternative Asset industry gives us deep insights to the challenges found in legacy systems and solutions to unlock potential.
- The first to bring a development platform approach to an off-the-shelf solution, you no longer need costly ‘customisations’ in black-box vendor software to achieve your requirements. Get to 100% of your needs through our fast, flexible API and Auto-Code Designers.
- Move away from painful implementation with our built-in Data Integration tools, accelerating the process by 50%.
- Your data is more critical than ever, with a need for unrestricted ability to analyse, seamless integration with 3rd party sources and strong protection. Don’t be restricted to pre-defined vendor approaches.
- Our advanced technology is revolutionising decision making and scenario analysis.
- Never ask What-If again. Canvas Technology is an instant, full system replication. Understand the impact of any potential decisions - from forecasting hypothetical scenarios to modelling potential outcomes, across you whole system.
- Your history at a touch of a button. Go back to any time point in the past and see your entire system as-of that point in the past, through Useable History.
Gareth Hewitt, CEO of LemonEdge shared “The feedback we hear from clients is consistent. They need and want an alternative, we’re offering a solution never seen before and its resonating. We understand it’s a challenge to bring in new providers, which is why we’ll go head to head to show LemomTree’s benefits.”
Link to downloadable press release
Further Resources
More information on the LemonEdge Alternative Asset Solution, https://www.lemonedge.com/alternative-assets-solution
More information and video on our Canvas technology,
About LemonEdge
LemonEdge solves complex financial and data challenges, as the first financial services development platform for back and middle-office technologies. LemonEdge provides the best of both software approaches - the flexibility of a development platform and performance of a market-leading off-the-shelf solution. We help clients do more.
For more information, visit www.lemonedge.com
Public Communication Contact
Jamie Nascimento
Chief Commercial Officer
*The promotion is subject to our General Terms and Conditions. The 90 days offer covers an operational system in place. The offer is available to any client who agrees a contract from 6th September 2020 to 30th December 2020