Full Office Integration
Making Excel and Word more than a convenience
LemonEdge has complete MS Office integration to ensure you can work with your data the way you want to. Leverage your team’s ability to work with tools they are familiar with. Work with LemonEdge from within Excel and Word at your convenience.

Excel is often a daily requirement for any teams. Users need to be able to manipulate vast sets of data in Excel, perform checks, analysis, etc., and then import any changes back into the system. We understand this needs to be an easy and seamless experience to ensure daily efficiency. LemonEdge easily integrates with MS Office and exposes that functionality with users everywhere so they can work the way they want to and are familiar with, where appropriate.
The main integration revolves around importing and exporting data with MS Office. By taking this approach we enable you to work with the data in LemonEdge outside of the platform any way you like, and then of course import it back into the system.
Exports can also be opened into Word using the same functionality
- Quickly create templates based purely on named data in your database.
- Exported into pre-defined Excel templates. Such as formats appropriate for user interaction (formatted, locked-down areas, simplified, etc) rather than just a grid of data
Work Live
- Export into currently open Excel instances using existing sheets, overwriting current data, or by auto-creating a new one for the data.
- This greatly increases the ease with which users can drop exported data into pre-configured reconciliation Excel files.
Query’s Direct to Excel
- Any query, dataset, pivot table, etc. (See Data Analysis for further info) can be exported into Excel.
When the system automatically exports data to Excel it does so in a format that is automatically compatible with importing the same data. Users can easily change the data in Excel and upload the changes back into the system instantly. You then have a user-friendly and quick way for people to get data out of the system into a template they understand. See Open Architecture - Data Integration for further details with regards to data mapping, and other functionality.
An Excel AddIn that once enabled adds a LemonEdge toolbar to Excel. This enables you to connect to a LemonEdge system and use our custom excel functions to pull in data live into the system. This integration goes above and beyond the standard exporting, as advanced users can build models, reconciliation sheets, interfaces, etc. all without ever having to open LemonEdge or leave the confines of Excel.