Task Servers
Utilise the capability of your entire network for greater efficiency
The Task Service is designed with simplicity and power in mind. It also gives you the confidence that problems that require scale can be supported automatically by this platform A dedicated operation that picks up and processes tasks as they are created in the LemonEdge platform. Ensuring your users are free to perform at maximum capability, whilst minimising costs.

Getting the most from your systems
Our complex financial calculations, often requiring the manipulation of hundreds of millions of data points is a process-heavy task. The efficiency with which we deliver these insights can help make critical business decisions. The approach we take to managing these tasks across your network, from individual users to cloud-based dedicated servers can have immediate benefits for your business.
1. Tasks that consume a lot of hardware resources can be run on dedicated machines.
The alternative of supplying every user machine with the resources is ineffective and costly
The algorithm could consume a lot of the user machines resources, meaning while it runs, they can’t do anything else
2. Long-Running algorithms can run on the service while the user is free to do other tasks
3. Tasks that require elevated permissions to run, can be set as only being allowed to run on the task service.
4. Tasks that can be broken down into chunks can be run in parallel across multiple task services
5. Greater redundancy can be built into your solution.
There are a host of core tasks that can be run, including, but not limited to:
- Reporting Tasks
- Transaction Processing Tasks
- Data Integration Tasks
- Workflow Tasks
- Account Maintenance Tasks
- Configuration Tasks
- Your Custom Tasks
We believe you should have the greatest range of options for everything you design without having to worry about writing services, queues and all the other related infrastructure. The Task Service is designed with simplicity and power in mind. It also gives you the confidence that problems that require scale can be supported automatically by this platform. The Task Service can run by either polling the database to pick up tasks or can be notified from a queue. The notification configuration also integrates with serverless functions – so the service itself doesn’t need to even exist (and thus be charged for in the cloud) until there are items to process in the queue, at which point it can start spinning up as many instances as required to deal with demand. However, the key flexibility lies in you having the ability to ensure all the calculations/processes/algorithms you design on our platform can also be offloaded to services as tasks to be processed.