Period Ends
Integrity and Consistency are core components of any financial operations in your solutions. LemonEdge Period End processing is designed from the ground up to ensure your GL reporting for period ends are quick, intuitive and most importantly always robust and complete.

Burn-in GL data for period ends to support all reporting in a safe, easy and fast manner
All G/L Transactions occur on a financial date which may or may not be the same as the Transaction Date. The Financial Date is driven by the following components:
- The owning entity of the transaction
- The Transaction Date of the transaction
- The latest Closed Period Date of the owning entity
Using these factors, the transaction processor determines the appropriate financial date for a transaction. When cancel/correcting a transaction the cancel and correction transactions may get different financial dates from the original if the owning entity now has a Closed Period covering that transaction date. To this end each entity within an entity structure can have closed periods, to prevent any gl activity for that entity occurring before closed periods.
This processor is responsible for summarising all GL activity for the given period into a locked format for easy reporting. The processor has the following characteristics:
It operates as a transaction itself so utilises the Core Transaction Processor functionality including InProgress/Committed/Finalized/Cancelled states and cancel/correct logic. It has a transaction date (as all transactions do) that is the date of this period end Period End processes can be run stand-alone, or more commonly, hooked into other processes you have created in your solution – such as quarter end events. It also has an optional Data Processing date. As LemonEdge can run calculations locked “as-of” prior points in time (See Enterprise Data Tools - Audit History for further info), period-end processing also has the ability to process “as-of” a prior date so as not to include changes in current underlying data you don’t want entering the period end data.
- You can also specify to include all underlying transactions of a parent item regardless of as-of date should these items
always be included as you are hooking the period end processing into another process within your solution.
You can also add adjustments to the period ends resulting data. These always have a type of “Adjustment” and allow fine granular control for rounding and other requirements. The process runs against an owner of an entity structure – such as a fund. The Period End Processor runs on a year to date basis (automatically creating true-up positions) to ensure you have a quick, consistent and powerful mechanism for reporting across your General Ledger reports.
The process generates Capital Account Data Items which contain the following consolidated information:
- Transfer ID (if capital account data items have been transferred)
- Type
- Period End - Indicates this value is a base value contributing to the capital account data.
- Opening Balance - Indicates this value is part of the opening balance.
- Transfer In - Indicates this value represents an amount transferred into the specified entity.
- Transfer Out - Indicates this value represents an amount transferred from the specified entity.
- Adjustment - Indicates this value is a manual adjustment.
- Opening Balance Transfer In - Indicates this value holds an amount of the opening balance transferred into the specified entity.
- Opening Balance Transfer Out - Indicates this value holds an amount of the opening balance transferred from the specified entity.
- Transferred In - Indicates an automatic amount transferred by the system. Ignored in any capital account report but used for calculating actual opening balance transfer amounts.
- Transferred Out - Indicates an automatic amount transferred by the system. Ignored in any capital account report but used for calculating actual opening balance transfer amounts.
- Root Entity
- Entity Structure Owner
- Entity
- Ledger
- Transaction Type Value
- Instrument
- GL Account
- Amount
- A flag to indicate if the amount is for Rounding.
The processor consolidates the gl entries on a year to date basis grouped by the above categories and is available as a system SQL Wrapper “CreateCapitalAccountData” for complete customisation.
This functionality allows easy reporting on top of the burned in Capital Account Data Items. See Enterprise Data Tools – Data Analysis & Reporting for further information. GL Rollups run against a specified GL Account Classification; you can create different versions of the same report using different GL Account Classifications. You can create a hierarchical set of rollup headers, each of which can have:
- Children rollup headers
- A name used for the summary grouping
- One or more GL entry classifications to be aggregated, each of which has:
- A Type for the Capital Account Data Item record to read
- The GL Classification Name to aggregate across matching GL accounts
- The Transaction Code to use to limit the matching GL accounts to
- The Transaction Type Value to limit the matching GL accounts to
- The Ledger to limit the matching GL accounts to
- The operator to apply on the aggregation
You can have as many different GL rollups as you like for each different type of report (Statements, Profit & Loss, Trial Balance, etc.).
Running these reports always run on the burned in Capital Account Data Items so you will consistently get the same data out, regardless of any underlying changes, as was sent externally to third parties.
The Period End Processor, Capital Account Data Items it generates, and GL rollups ensure you have a quick, consistent and powerful mechanism for reporting across your GL reports. You have effective customization over this process and can ensure it operates to your requirements. Too many legacy systems incorporate the following problems:
- Getting the data is almost impossible
- The reports are running on actual transaction data meaning they could be subject to change if you haven’t closed all periods and run incredibly slowly
- Most have standard reports across the GL and any customization is difficult without vendor guidance.
LemonEdge is built for financial services and specifically addresses these issues. Most importantly our financial services engine is providing a transparent way of easily creating complex consolidating gl reports across your whole system.