Blended Transactions
Automate manual postings throughout your entity structures
Blended Transactions allow you to set up a mechanism with which to automatically create aggregated transactions from underlying activity. This can be used to automate a typically error-prone set of entity structure account maintenance operations, freeing your team to work on other areas while confident the platform is handling your other postings.

Blending Transaction are built on top of 2 other sets of functionalities to support the advanced processes found in Blending Transactions. These tools and their functions, are as follows:
You can create as many transaction matchers as you like Each one lets you specify the following attributes to match transactions on:
- A Transaction Code
- A Ledger
- You can specify neither to match on all transactions
The point of matchers is we can expand the capabilities here in an isolated way while providing the benefit to everything that uses Transaction Matchers instantly
You can create as many transaction aggregators as you like Each one lets you specify the following ways to aggregate transactions:
- A Transaction Type Value to aggregate
- A GL Account value to aggregate
- An operator to specify how to sum the values
Again, these are separated out, so we can expand these capabilities here in an isolated way while providing the benefit to everything that uses Transaction Aggregators
Utilising the Matchers and Aggregators, Blending Transactions are the rules you can set up to determine how a Blend Transaction operates. They have the following characteristics:
You can create as many Blending Transaction Types as you like You can set them to disabled to show the system shouldn’t process these blending algorithms. You can select an algorithm used for allocating the values. The algorithms are:
- Value Allocation – this directly assigns aggregated values to the new transaction type value according to
the allocation ratios setup - Using our API, you can inherit BlendTransactionProcessorExtender to implement any custom algorithm of
your own to work with Blending Transactions
You specify the Transaction Code and Ledger that the new transaction generated by the Blend Transaction algorithm will create. You can also specify that the algorithm has a start date (used if the algorithm is not a life to date algorithm), and to repeat applying the algorithm for a certain number of increments from the start date up to the transaction date of the Bend Transaction
You can then set up sets of transaction data to use in your algorithm. Each set has the following characteristics:
- An identifying name
- An instrument type set to limit the instrument sets that can be used against
- You can indicate if transactions in a Blend Transaction should be created against each instrument within this set.
This holds the resulting set of instruments transactions will automatically be created against.
You can then specify multiple set of transaction values against these instruments to use in your algorithm. These values take the following form:
- A name for the values
- A Transaction Matcher indicating which type of transactions against these instruments to include
in the aggregation - A Transaction Aggregator indicating which values against the transactions to aggregate, and how to apply the aggregation, on the matching transactions found against these instruments
The set-up transaction values can then be used in the creation of values against the new transactions. These properties are only needed if you are using the “Value Allocation” algorithm. If you are using a different proprietary algorithm you can have you own settings, or the above value sets will be enough. You can have as many unique New Values against the newly created transaction as you like, each one has the following properties:
- The Transaction Value to assign the result to
The method of aggregating the values to assign to this new value:
- An operator to apply against the value set results
- The identifying name of the instrument set
- The name of the aggregated transaction values from that instrument set to use
You can also select a method of allocation if these results are being spread across multiple instruments. The “Value Allocation” algorithm will use this ratio to assign the values to the new transaction against each target instrument. The allocation method requires:
- An operator to apply against the value set results
- The identifying name of the instrument set
- The name of the aggregated transaction values from that instrument set to use