Auto-code designers
LemonEdge Auto-Code designers aim to make it so anyone can start designing a system, writing fully accessible code for you.
No longer are your requirements and customisation lost in a black-box system, limiting your scope of change. We ensure you have the limitless capability in tailoring the solutions to your goals. From complicated data integration setups, user interfaces to simplifying repetitive back, middle or front end tasks. You can use our designers to automatically write the code for you, interfacing with all elements across our API. Our Auto-Code designers all have one thing in common; they allow you to export your design into actual c# code.

Together these designers are about making it quick and easy to get started with the platform, while also providing the ability to take full control of everything you’ve designed through code and our Open API.
UI Designers
These designers can also replace the standard views in the system itself. You can change the standard view for “User” for instance, and change the visible controls, order, permissions, etc. Giving you granular control of everything UI element in the platform.
Grid Designer
- This designer lets you specify which properties of an entity you want to see as columns in the UI. The grids can be standalone or related to parent entities in which case you can specify the relationships. Again, it can provide the code for you, allowing you to override the default behaviour.
View Designer
- This designer lets you specify the properties of an entity you want to see as controls. It also lets you specify the behaviour of the view and the controls; wrapped vertically/horizontally, stacked vertically/horizontally, in predefined grid layouts, etc. Again, it can provide the code for you, allowing you to override the default behaviour.
Data Designers
This designer is used to create your entity classes. You specify the type of properties, their relationships (if any), validation, etc. These entities are created correctly in the backend database as tables, and integrate with everything in the platform – see our Open API. They have the full capability as if you wrote the code yourself for them, because that’s precisely what the designer does, and you can export the code for yourself.
Role Designers
Menu Designer
- This designer allows you to specify the menu for each role, along with what each command button does on the menus. The default Admin/Standard roles will always be overwritten by the system itself, but you can create different layouts for as many different roles as required.
Layout Designer
- This designer allows you to drag+drop views together to create different layouts to be used when viewing different entities. You can replace standard layouts, and have as many different layouts for different roles as you like.
Many systems have the concept of configuration tools or no/low-code designers for building bespoke functionality for their clients. The problem with these approaches falls into two main categories; Restricted Black Box and Loose Data Design.
Restricted Black Box: Any configuration that is not visible to the designer, is stored in a proprietary way in the vendor’s system. Whereas we give you the full code, fully exportable out of the LemonEdge platform.
1. Portability
This means you can never “lift” your design into other systems should you require it.
2. Transparency
You have no visibility into the inner working when you inevitably hit performance, reporting, etc problems.
3. Testing
You have no easy ability to copy your design from a test system into development/production environments.
4. Restrictions
Confined to the functionality the designer itself provides. Should you require the need to do anything outside that you’re stuck. You never know when you’ll hit that wall, and it’s always at the most inconvenient time.
If configuring data design such as user data, this is normally stored in the database in pre-determined fields or tables and interpreted on the fly in order to represent your data. Resulting in the following issues;
1. Performance
Always severally worse than if it was stored, maintained, and fetched correctly from an actual dedicated table for each entity designed.
2. Reporting
Often a nightmare getting your designed data out of the vendor’s system and in particular when it is related to data within the vendor’s core system itself.
3. Integration
Core functionality doesn’t work as well with your designed data, or may not work at all. This includes but is not limited to functionality such as validation, importing, auditing, exporting, etc.
In contrast, we are providing a real development platform, as such we believe what you design should be accurately reflected in the back end database design along with all your performance, reporting, etc considerations.